Since 1967, ITS Traductions has been providing high-quality legal translation services to organisations and individuals in Geneva and the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

Thanks to our expertise, our clients include major multinationals, laboratories, museums and tourist offices, as well as many law firms and notaries.


Image mettant en avant l'objectif qualité premium de l'entreprise

Our objective : quality

The reward of a job well done has always been the main incentive for our team. By placing your trust in our expertise, you can be sure of receiving reliable multilingual legal translations that accurately reflect the spirit of the original text and comply with the law.

Our expertise covers a wide range of fields including law, finance, health and many technologies. Our multilingual legal translations can also cover many types of document: contracts, wills, patents, any official document, etc.

objectif qualité

More than 60 language combinations

Each of our translators is hand-picked; during their selection process, recruiters base their choice mainly on their academic qualities, their experience of at least 5 years and their sense of confidentiality. They translate from a foreign language into their mother tongue, such as French, Swedish, English, Japanese or Hebrew. The lexicon used is dense and relevant, the wording of the sentences always correct and the grammar irreproachable.

In the context of business globalisation, contractual relations are becoming increasingly important, and the increase in transnational agreements is leading to a real interweaving of legal systems. As a result, the need for high-quality legal translations is growing all the time. Professional legal translation is a subtle and more complex exercise than is often thought. The legal translator must combine advanced knowledge of the law, mastery of the source and target languages, and the writing skills needed to translate the nuances of the source text.

combinaisons langues académique
Un juriste en train de signer un document officiel

Multilingual translation agency

Translating a contract from English into French, for example, involves moving from Anglo-Saxon law to Roman law, and involves bringing together the principles of the two systems, which are sometimes very far apart. The target text must therefore be equivalent, not identical, to the source text. This is all the more true as each system has its own legal terminology.

A legal translator not only translates, but also researches terminology and comparative law to ensure that the translation is perfectly suited to the target audience. Our translation agency therefore selects its translators with great care.


ITS Traductions undertakes to maintain the strictest confidentiality with regard to its legal files. We are happy to sign a non-disclosure agreement at the client’s request.

Here are some examples of legal translations :

  • Patents

  • Legal agreements

  • All kinds of contracts

  • Proxy letters

  • Wills

  • Divorce acts

  • General terms and conditions

  • Official documents

  • Litigation documentsx

  • Sworn and certified translations


We guarantee the high quality of our legal translations by systematically proofreading and correcting them before sending them to you. The final file you receive therefore goes through several stages of checking to ensure that it contains no mistakes or translation errors.

Finally, punctuality is also one of our values. We understand that you need your translations to make progress on your projects, so we are committed to sending them to you on time. Contact us now to have your legal texts translated.

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